Talentidentificatie in jeugdvoetbal: waarop moet je letten


Historically, the identification and selection of promising individuals into youth soccer academies has been linked to a coach or talent scouts’ subjective, preconceived image of the ideal player (Williams & Reilly, 2000). However, it is now accepted, that when used in isolation, this approach can result in repetitive misjudgments in talent identification processes.

A youth’s talent potential is not a stable trait (Abbott & Collins, 2002), but is constantly
evolving throughout the developmental phases (Vaeyens et al., 2008).

There is a tendency for coaches and talent scouts to either subconsciously or consciously favour anthropometric characteristics rather than technical capabilities in young players (Carling et al., 2009).

Lees de studie: Talent.

Vorig artikelDe zin en onzin in talentidentificatie- en ontwikkeling
Volgend artikelLong Term Athlete Development, de ontwikkeling tot Topsporter


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